Incident Summary
Cloudi-fi identified (August 28th 05:30 CET) an incident - DHCP interface unavailable (DHCP service is still available for locations already deployed)
Incident time window
Start: August 28th 2023, at 05:30 CET
- Problem definition
- Operation to identify the root cause
- Workaround and development of the patch
End: August 29th 2023, at 12:35 CET
Access to DHCP section in admin console is unavailable. DHCP interface unavailable (DHCP service is still available for locations already deployed)
Root cause
This issue was due to a deployment performed on Monday August 28th on another service that overwrite the DHCP configuration
Actions plan
Action 1 - August 29th 2023, at 12:35 CET
Purge of our MQ queue