Incident Summary
Some Guest users were facing issue to authenticate from some Asian locations (China, Australia).
Incident time window
Start: June 17th 2023, at 15:00 CET
- Problem definition - DONE
- Operation to identify the root cause - DONE
- Workaround and development of the patch - DONE
End: June 19th 2023, at 9:00 CET
From Location in Asia (China, Australia), Guest users were able to display the captive portal but unable to authenticate. Instead of successfully logging in, they were presented with an error page "Sorry an error occured"
Root cause
The incident was a side effect to the change CHANGE_ China captive portal URL_16/06/2023. As a reminder, this change was implemented with the intention of enhancing our infrastructure's security . Unfortunately, the change introduced a mistake in our configuration leading to the described side effect.
To notice: some tests of authentications were performed (on Friday) after the change (by simulating a user coming from Asian location). However, they didn't highlight this error. In addition, the incident was not raised first as a Major one because we received only 2 customers' ticket between June-16th 11:00pm (CET) to June-19th 01:00pm (CET).