Step-by-step instructions to generate a QR code to connect your users to your guest SSID with Cloudi-Fi
1. Create a QR code to connect your device to your SSID
Go to and set your QR code
- Name: your SSID_name
Encryption: None
SSID: name of the SSID broadcasted (for instance: Guest)
Use cases
for IOS users
1. Scan the QR code
2. Accept to join the Guest_SSID
3. Wait 2/3 seconds for the captive portal to pop up
The browser will open the captive portal to allow the guest user to authenticate.
4. Authenticate using the captive portal and validate
5. Guests can browse the internet
for Android users
1. Scan the QR code
2. Accept to join the Guest_SSID
The browser will automatically open and redirect you to the captive portal
3. Authenticate using the captive portal and validate
4. Guests can browse the internet
- For iOS devices, the captive portal may take a few seconds to pop up
- For iOS devices, after scanning the QR code, Guest users may have to manually open a browser.
- In many case, QR code connect the device to the Guest_SSID) but doesn't trigger captive portal HTTP request. This behaviour is random and dependent on the devices used.
if you have any questions, please contact Cloudi-Fi support team