This article describes the first step to troubleshooting a Cloudi-Fi Captive Portal issue
Understand what is happening to troubleshoot a cloud-based captive portal issue
You can have trouble accessing the Captive Portal on your iOS devices (iPhone, iPad, and other Apple devices). It is a known issue
When your Apple device connects to public WiFi, it attempts to load the default page:
The public WiFi network intercepts this connection and redirects them to the Guest WiFi captive portal.
As a result, the iOS devices open a popup to display the captive portal.
Determine what the issue is
As long as the device isn’t authenticated on your network, it is supposed to perform the captive portal detection check.
When the iOS device is not performing these checks, the captive portal is not showing up.
What is the solution?
No network solution exists, but you can troubleshoot this problem on each device.
Ensure your device’s IP address is not in the IP range. If so, your local DHCP server is unreachable or not working correctly.
Try to forget the Public WiFi SSID, stop and start your WiFi connection and connect again to the Public WiFi SSID.
Open your web browser (Safari, Firefox, Chrome…), then try to open
If it didn’t change anything, forget this network again, reboot your device and retry the previous solutions.