Hi everyone!
First and foremost, I would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a happy new year from the whole team at Cloudi-Fi. One of our new resolution for this year is to give more visibility to our customers and partners as a lot of them regularly ask to know more about our newest features, updates and bug fixes. So here it is, our first Release Note edition!
At Cloudi-Fi we practice continuous deployment, which mean we may deliver multiple times some days. In order to not bother you each time we make a change, we plan to publish a new release note at least once a month.
Let's start this January 2021 Edition with a round of new features!
New features
New Navigation Menu: you can't miss this one! As we introduce regularly new features our previous navigation menu was getting cluttered for some users so it was time to rethink its organization by moving and renaming some modules. Most sections now have a dropdown menu, it basically replaces horizontal tabs in most cases. You may have to search your way at the beginning if you are a regular but we're confident you will find it more clear and practical in the end.
Lobby Module Refresh: this is not exactly a new feature, but it's the start for a whole new UI refresh which will progressively expand to more modules throughout the year. The module also includes now a search bar which will be generalized.
New Campaigns Module: this module was also refreshed with a new user journey making it easier and faster to create campaigns. Actually you can now do more with less efforts: we now support background and splash campaigns in addition to the banners to let you personalize or communicate in your captive portals. If you want a demo of this module, please reach out to our Creative Lab Team.
New Integrations Module: we support more technological platforms everyday, if you want to know more about how you can integrate Cloudi-Fi with those, this is the place to go. This module will evolve throughout the year to give you more information and more control on the corresponding configurations. If you want to test a new integration please reach out to our Customer Success Team.
Sponsor Unlock (temporary name) : we introduced a new option for sponsor registration which allows the guest to automatically authenticate after the sponsor approval without the need to enter credentials, which will still be sent to the guests for upcoming visits. If you want to test and enable this option on your portal, please reach out to our Creative Lab Team.
Personalized Emails: your guests and sponsors can now receive custom emails with your company's logo, your identity guidelines and custom texts. We do not yet offer a tool to let you configure it so if you want to take advantage of this feature please reach out to our Creative Lab Team.
Public reports filtering: public reports can now be filtered in the same way as shared and private reports.
Bug fixes
Unreadable language list on Windows: some portals had a white text on white background issue on the captive portal language list.
Wrong credentials issue: some guests experienced a persisting error message when they entered wrong credentials in the first place, preventing them from authenticating once they enter correct credentials.